Sunday, August 4, 2024

He Didn't Like the Look of It [SHOS]

A recent trend on social media I've noticed is people posting about how much they dislike the BBC Sherlock series.  I posted my overall view of the series in 2018 after the show had wrapped.  While the show may not have held up well to certain fans of the Great Detective, I think it's important to give this show credit for it's cultural impact on Sherlockiana.

Benedict Cumberbatch is the Sherlock Holmes for a whole generation of Sherlockians.  

And I've got the numbers to back up this statement.  I gave talks to scion societies in Chicago and Dallas recently on an overview of the first 100 Interesting Interviews on this blog.  One of the questions I've asked everyone is "How did you become a Sherlockian?"  28% of people asked said they came to Sherlockiana through media interpretations.  And of those who answered that way, Basil Rathbone, Jeremy Brett, and Benedict Cumberbatch were the most cited names in that answer.  

So, whether you liked Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch is the Sherlock Holmes for a whole generation of Sherlockians, just like Rathbone and Brett before him.

Male, female, straight, LGBTQ, or any other identifier: that voice and that coat is Sherlock Holmes right now to America (and I'm sure may other countries as well, but I'm not going to claim that I'm an expert on other countries' take on Sherlock Holmes).  

So let's pull back on the Cumberbashing.  Because we all know that the latter episodes of Brett's series were very bad, but many people don't want to denigrate the man.  And heaven forbid someone badmouth the nonsense of Rathbone fighting Nazis and Nigel Bruce's idiotic sidekick role; people would start clutching their pearls.

If you were curious enough to click the link above, I stand by that assessment.  I don't have a fond opinion of Sherlock; to quote my parents, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed."  

But let's end this post on a positive note.  Another thing I loved about reviewing the first 100 Interesting Interviews was how great, friendly, lovely, etc. that Sherlockians are.  So we shouldn't lead with our dislike for certain things.  I'm not trying to gatekeep and tell anyone to keep their opinions to themselves or that their opinions don't matter, but why put out a negative image of ourselves online?  We are Sherlockians: we are amazing!  Let that shine through, because I promise that we can enjoy one another without being negative about things.

1 comment:

  1. Life is too short to get into acrimonious social media battles over the last few episodes of the Cumberbatch series. It's a waste of emotion and merely detracts from all the worthwhile aspects of the Sherlockian world.
