Yesterday I sat down to type up this week's blog post and it was just a bunch of whining that I can't go to November's BSI event in Indiana or Scintillation of Scions next summer. I got about three paragraphs in and realized how miserable it all sounded. And that's not what Sherlockiana is about.
Luckily, I had a much better Sherlockian day today!
I am working on a Sherlockian book project with my friend Peter Eckrich and 33 other wonderful folks. Today, Peter and I spent three hours at a coffee house editing and talking about the submissions for this project and it just reinforced what a great group of folks Sherlockians are. If this project pans out, I think y'all are in for a real treat!
So why sit around and mope about the things I can't do? There's too much in the Sherlockian world to try and do it all. BSI Weekend, The Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium, Nicholas Meyer at the Illustrious Clients of Indianapolis... Hell, I've even had to stop going to one of my local scions because I just couldn't get out to their meetings.
And that's okay.
Instead, I'm going to be happy that there are so many things going on across the country and that our hobby is booming. This is an embarrassment of riches! Think of all of the books that come out each year, how many journals you can subscribe to, the number of Facebook groups you can join, email groups to join, scion societies to attend, Tumblrs to follow, and the list goes on and on.
So this is a reminder to myself and whomever else needs to hear this: There's a lot to be excited for in our hobby.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a project to edit, an event to plan, an article to write, books to read, emails to send.....
Having a full time job, a girl friend, and 2 daughters, rationing out two weeks vacation time to attend all the Sherlockian events I'd love to attend, I fully commiserate with you. Now I realize how special it was to meet you at one of the few events I was able to attend.